Data volume in the healthcare industry requires professional analysis methods

According to various studies (e.g. University of Michigan, March 2015), the amount of digital data in the healthcare industry is growing exponentially from year to year. While in 2013 there were still 153 exabytes (1 exabyte = one billion gigabytes) of digital healthcare data, by 2020 ~2,300 exabytes are expected.

But does more data really automatically lead to better decisions and more knowledge about your customers?

We have much more data than 20 years ago and much better CRM systems, but unfortunately we know less about our customers today than we did then.

Head of Sales & Marketing of a healthcare company

So the challenge with a lot of existing data lies in professional methods of data merging, analysis and interpretation of the results.

What is to be done?

Three factors in particular are important with regard to data analysts:

  1. Exact knowledge of the healthcare-specific data sources and data contents as well as any limitations.
  2. Profound methodological knowledge in the area of data compilation, processing and modelling with the help of statistical software solutions and tools.
  3. Many years of experience and skills in the interpretation and validation of results.

However, in addition to the experience of the employees, two other factors are very important:

  1. Speed of implementation: the best analysis only leads to limited new findings, if implementation takes so long, that the data is already out of date again.
  2. Processing of the results: Statistically complex correlations and results of extensive analyses must be translated into simple messages and recommendations for action at the end. Only then can you generate benefits.

If you want to avoid generating just lots of data for the data graveyard, we will be happy to support you with our tools and more than 15 years of experience in the analysis and appropriate preparation of healthcare data.

Furthermore in our solutions section, you will find an overview of the specific issues we deal with and where we can help you make progress.

Please contact us if you need more information!