Facts & figures on the hospital landscape in Austria

We have recently updated our hospital database for our Hospital Navigator and have seen some interesting changes and developments:

1. the total of all reported case numbers continued to rise in 2022, as in the 2021 data year: +3%.
2. the areas of ENT, respiratory system and skeleton and musculoskeletal system in particular show the highest absolute growth
3. the number of outpatient clinics has declined slightly (-2%) and opening hours have also decreased in the total hours per week reported (-6%)
4. the number of beds in acute care also declined by -3%: the number of beds in internal medicine (~ -600 beds) and orthopaedics & surgery (together ~ -300 beds) fell particularly sharply.

A more detailed presentation of the main findings can be found here:

SALETELLIGENCE – Spitalsdaten Österreich 2024

All further details can be answered individually via our Hospital Navigator. If you are interested, please contact Mr Martin Walter.