New study on the digital affinity of office-based GPIs

Our current data shows that around 15% of office-based GPIs in Germany have a high or very high digital affinity. Interestingly, there are more doctors in the “very high” or “high” groups in the 3 largest federal states (NRW, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg) in relation to the total proportion of doctors, while there are comparatively fewer doctors in these groups in the new federal states in eastern Germany.

Our analyses also show that doctors with a very high digital affinity are more likely to offer longer opening hours, have a higher volume of prescriptions for COPD/asthma and are more likely to work in group practices in metropolitan areas. Compared to the practices with low affinity, these practices are increasingly located in areas with better transport links, higher doctor density and in an environment with a lower population >65 years of age and a higher monthly net income.

These analyses make it clear that, as in many other areas, digitalisation and digital affinity are not at the same level everywhere, even among APIs. This also has a corresponding impact on practice organisation and patient care.
Let’s drive the digital transformation in the healthcare sector forward together!

All further details can be answered individually. If you are interested, please contact Mr Martin Walter.